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16942 Gothard St Ste G
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
United States


Orange County's original home for indoor rock climbing. Whether its your first time climbing or you're a master sender, Rock City has climbing for all levels to enjoy a fun, safe, family-oriented environment. We're not just a gym, we are a community of climbers.

Rock City Climbing - Coach Maurice

I will walk with you to the ends of the earth, but I’m not gonna drag you there.
— Coach Maurice

About Maurice…

Maurice Cureton grew up in Compton, CA. Playing Sports was a daily part of Maurice’s childhood. In high school, he narrowed his focus to football. Then in his 20s he discovered climbing at Rock City Climbing Gym in Anaheim, CA. Two years later, he brought his wife Tasha to the gym for their first date. He became the gym manager, then joined the youth coaching team before becoming the owner of Rock City Climbing Gym with Tasha. Much has changed over the last 20 years, but the heart of Rock City and Maurice’s dedication to his athletes has only grown.

Maurice is a USA Climbing Level 2 Coach and Level 1 Setter with experience coaching the USA National Youth Team at Youth Worlds, coaching and presenting at USA Climbing Youth Festivals, doing competition analysis, coaching athletic development, and even has experience coaching swim, football and basketball.

whether it be with his team or thru 1-on-1 sessions, Maurice’s coaching focuses on his athlete’s ability to be self-sufficient regardless of the challenges that lie ahead. He challenges his athletes to develop strong work ethics and hone in on their competition strategies and mindsets.. What really sets Maurice apart is his ability to assess his athletes overall physical, social and mental strengths and weakness to create a training plan catered to their individual long term goals.

To book a session with Maurice, click here.