Rock City Climbing

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16942 Gothard St Ste G
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
United States


Orange County's original home for indoor rock climbing. Whether its your first time climbing or you're a master sender, Rock City has climbing for all levels to enjoy a fun, safe, family-oriented environment. We're not just a gym, we are a community of climbers.

About the Rock City Training Center

24 x 12’ dedicated Spray wall

24 x 12’ dedicated spray wall adjustable from 0° to 40°

24 x 14’ World Cup wall

24 x 14’ World Cup Comp-Style Setting Wall Adjustable from -7.5° to 40°

24 x 14’ Multi-purpose Skills wall

24 x 14’ Multipurpose Skills wall adjustable from 15° to 40°

32’ Slab Wall

32’ Wide -5° Custom slab Wall

12 x 12’ Tension Board 2

Kilter x lemur

12x12’ TEnsion Board adjustable from 25° to 70°

The Tension Board 2 was developed from the ground up to be the singular most effective systemized training board.

Built on a foundation of versatility— combining the symmetrical DNA of the tension board 1 with the functionality of a traditional spray wall, resulting in the optimal climbing and training experience.